Tomma Rum this year is now coming to an end and we are enjoying the final rainy hours of Vännersta.
Our Monday started off with a bitter sweet taste, because we were saying good-bye to most participants from Week 29. We were sitting outside of the Järnsta Cafe having our daily breakfast when the first participants of the next week arrived so we didn’t have a lot of time to be sad, but we had a lovely time getting to know the new ones. Throughout the day more and more people arrived so that in the evening we were the promised eight.
On Tuesday we started the first day of our smithing workshop and had a good time casting brass with Ludde from the Jarnstaborg konstsmide.

On our second day we were able to cast some more things and then spent some time sanding and polishing our newly made things. In the end we all had a few lovely self made metall things which (i at least) will always cherish as the first ever metal things we made ourselves.
While we wer busy casting, the other three particpants of this week were busy learning how to screen print, being teached by Mikael Arvidsson. I too would have loved to learn how to screenprint but I think I preferred the metal casting and being in the smithies workshop.
Friday we were busy preparing everything for the exhibition and we spent a lot of time on the poster for our final show.

Sadly this week we couldn’t use the Gallery that was used every week before, because there was another show in there, and we therefore had to look for another place to show our art. Luckily by now Tomma Rum has quite a lot of connections to the people in Vännersta, and Nils, who works in the Nordingra Konstby, was able to fix us up with a nice barn that we could use. So we spent an evening clearing it out and preparing it for our show on saturday.

Over the four hours the barn gallery was open, quite some people showed up looked around and were able to enjoy our art, and I hope you will too.